Sweat, Smile and Learn at the Indiana Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Academy

When you are doing Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, or really any active hobby for that matter, you want to Sweat, Smile and Learn!

Getting in a great sweat and learning a ton is awesome, but you also have to enjoy it for it to be something you are going to continue to do.

Sweating and having a lot of fun is all fine and well, but if that’s what you want go take Zumba. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is an art as well as a form of self defense. If you are at a school or club that isn’t teaching you anything, you aren’t going to get any where with it. You can’t progress.

If your instructor or coach is a nice guy that teaches you a lot and makes you enjoy class, but you never get in a good sweat, you aren’t using BJJ. No one ever earned a Black Belt without breaking a sweat. You must be able to apply the skills you are learning in a competitive scenario.

Here at the Indiana Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Academy we make sure that you check all three boxes in every class. No matter the reason you’re training BJJ—be it self defense, a hobby, because you want to compete, or for weight loss—make sure you are in a place where you can Sweat, Smile and Learn.

See You on the mat!

If you are not already a student at the IBJJA, what are you waiting for?!?!?  Give us a call today and get started on your FREE 30 Day Trial! (317) 961-6565